The latest entry in the "low budget - hand held camera" sub genre of horror is a disturbing, psychologically numbing experience called MEADOWOODS. The premise is simple yet horrifically brilliant. A group of college friends bored with life and a little bit mentally off decide to kidnap and murder a class mate. To save their activities for posterity they film every second of their preparation and execution of their demented plan.
What really freaked me out the most is these kids come off as normal, hell I would hang out with these folks. The longer your with them though the more you realize that they are just plain and simply out of their freaking minds.
We literally are introduced to our main characters as they are deciding who it is that they are going to kidnap. The easy going, nonchalant way that they discuss the pros and cons of different victims is incredibly disturbing and really drives home the fact that you can never really tell whats going on behind someones eyes.
Once the victim is chosen our troupe of demented collegets handle finding the location and plotting the actual act of the murder. The poster kind of gives it away so I guess I'm really not giving much away when I tell you that they plan on burying their victim alive. They construct a special "coffin" that will allow them to torment and watch their subject as they mess with her mentally prior to finishing her off.
As can sometimes be the case when you have a group of folks trying to pull something like this off one of the group has second thoughts which of course throws a bit of a monkey wrench into the plan but like all good psycho's they easily morph their plan and the girl ends up buried in the box.
I don't want to give the ending away but needless to say, it doesn't have a happy ending. Actually the disc comes with two endings. The original ending while sad lacks the "twist ending" punch that the alternate ending manages. Obviously I prefer the alternate take. Both endings are effective though.
Overall MEADOWOODS is one of those films that is disturbing to watch but once you start you can't pull yourself away. Director Scott Phillips leads his cast of complete unknowns through this dark, horrifying look at just how demented human nature can be and he does it in such a fashion that you will be riveted to your TV for the whole runtime.
It's a job well done. It just goes to show you that you don't need tons of money or big name stars to make a quality, effective horror film. A little ingenuity a compelling story and some dedicated folks can make it happen.
MEADOWOODS comes out on May 4th and I strongly urge you to find it and watch it.
CLICK HERE to head on over to the films official site.

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