‘Hacked’ is a 2020 Hindi Psychological Thriller movie directed by Vikram Bhatt. The Movie is Produced by Krishna Bhatt, Amar Thakkar, and Jatin Sethi under Loneranger Productions Productions. When we consider the Casting of this movie, the lead roles are played by Hina Khan, Rohan Shah.TV star Hina Khan has made an entry in Bollywood with the movie Hacked. His film Hacked is released on Friday. The story of this film is inspired by hacking. Below in this article, you can find the details of Hacked Full Movie Download.
Hacked Movie Story
Hacked film story is about Sameera Khanna aka Sam (Hina Khan), who is a chief editor at a popular style and lifestyle magazine. Despite having an incredible job that pays uncommonly well, Sam is lonely yet not helpless or weak. A 19-year-old boy named Vivek (Rohan Shah) He lives identity is Sam’s neighborhood is fixated on her. He follows her to the office and any place she proceeds to click her pictures. Vivek and Sam are good friends however she doesn’t know about his horrible expectations.
Sam is in love with a Bollywood on-screen character Om Kapoor (Sid Makkar) who is married and continues giving her false expectations that he will before long separation his significant other. However, when he doesn’t appear on her birthday celebration, Sam is crushed and looks for comfort in Vivek. All things considered, that is when everything comes crashing down as after that night Sam and Vivek spend together, his fixation just develops. Regardless of Sam’s repetitive rejection and cautioning him to get over her, he doesn’t move away. He makes her life hell where she loses all that she has right now the dark universe of the internet which is now current and real-life for everybody.
Hacked movie review:
Hacked peeps into the dark side of the digital world, it tries to surge into how devastating can be the effects of technology. Hacked is a nerve-wracking thriller that will make you glued to your sofa.
The hacked movie is all about Vivek a young boy who has fallen for Sameera who is a chief editor of a fashion magazine.
The Hacked cast includes Hina khan and Rohan shah. Rohan’s character in the film is that of a sociopath and he is madly in love with Sameera, one-sided though. He follows all her social traces and hacks her social media profiles. hacker talking to a young girl in her bedroom Ring camera has been shared on social media hacking. Hacked is directed by Vikram Bhatt. The film presents a very dismal presentation of dialogue which is completely out of all sorts. The background sounds and graphics aren’t of the top grade either.
Hina Khan’s surge into Bollywood after a dream run at the small screen proved to be a poor start to her Bollywood career. Being a Vikram Bhatt film Hacked promised a lot of ammunition up its ranks but when it rolled down the theatres it proved out to be a paper-thin story and even dismal execution.
Hacked Full Movie Download Hindi
Loneranger Productions had released Hacked Trailer on YouTube. Thereee is an excellent response to the trailer from the audience. The Trailer has reached more than 19M views within 5 days, since its release on YouTube.
Thereee is a good response from the ‘Hina Khan’ fans and the Bollywood audience for ‘Hacked’. Lakhs of these ‘Hina Khan’ fans and the Bollywood audience are looking online for Hacked Full Movie News. Fans of Hina Khan in Hacked Teaser video has been cherished by fans.