While nothing really exciting happens in this first clip from SAW 3D it does bring us the triumphant return of Dr. Gordon. We haven't seen him since he loped off his leg and pulled himself down the hallway in the first film.
What's he been up too? Does he have a fake leg? These and other questions are sure to be answered and in 3D to boot.
What we are looking at in this clip is a support group for Jigsaw survivors. You know you're a great serial killer when you get your own support group.
I've got a feeling since this is (supposedly) the last film in the franchise, Dr. Gordon won't be the only surprise visitor.
We'll have to wait and see, but not much longer. SAW 3D opens on Oct. 29th and THE TRAPS COME ALIVE!
First Clip From SAW 3D! - Dr. Gordon Returns Uploaded by davehouseofhorrors. - Watch feature films and entire TV shows.
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