Just sat through Tobe Hoopers new Masters of Horror episode that will air Friday night and I can sum it up in one quick and easy word. Masterful.
Easily the best of any of the MOH episodes The Damned Thing tells the tale of a town gripped by an unknown and unimaginable horror. As the towns folk figure it out so do we and it leads us down a path of gore and violence that is well, masterful.
As those of you who read my ramblings with any regularity know, I have not been particularly kind to the works of Tobe Hooper the past few years but man oh man is he ever back on track and I mean big time.
Hooper pulls out all the stops in this tour de force of film making. The camera never stops moving and the blood flows freely. I was particularly impressed with the use of lightning flashes. I know it is a horror movie cliche, but Hooper takes that old standard out again and shows us all how it is supposed to be done., once again, masterful.
Im not going to ruin the viewing for you by sharing any story details but keep an eye out for the hammer scene, youll know it when you see it. It is violent, disgusting and amazing. I found myself staring at the screen with mouth wide open on more then one occasion.
Make sure Friday night at 10 pm that you are settled down in front of your TV, turn off all the lights, crank up the Dolby Surround Sound and prepare yourself for a true treat.
What a great way to kick off Halloween weekend.