Robert Hall's New Project is LAID TO REST
 By Dave Dreher

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Source: Fangoria

Apr 28, 2008, 8:58 pm

A few years back director and make up guru Robert Hall release a quiet little film called Lightening Bug that kicked all kinds of ass.  Didn't do that well but that don't mean it wasn't good.  It was and still is one of the best indie films in recent  memory.

Robert hasn't been doing much in the directors chair since but it appears that is changing.  Fango got word and also some pics on his new project titled LAID TO REST.

Looks like he is up to his old tiricks again.

Check out these pics and then read what the film is all about beneath that.

Bobbi Sue Luther (in bottom photo with THE PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS’ Sean Whalen) stars as a girl who wakes up in a coffin with amnesia and a bad head wound—and soon discovers that she has been kidnapped by a maniac, and must struggle to survive in an isolated rural town. The cast also includes Kevin (STRANGELAND) Gage, Thomas (FROM WITHIN) Dekker, Lena Headey from THE BROTHERS GRIMM, TERMINATOR: THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES and the upcoming THE BRΨKEN, genre vet Richard Lynch, Nick Principe, Seri DeYoung, Lucas Till and Anthony Fitzgerald. Production wraps today in Baltimore on LAID TO REST


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