Dragon Ball Super: Broly is 2018 computer-animated, superhero and adventure Hollywood movie and The film stars Masako Nozawa, Ryo Horikawa, Bin Shimada, Ryusei Nakao, Katsuhisa Hoki, Nana Mizuki, and Aya Hisakawa have played the lead roles in this movie. The screenplay was done by Akira Toriyama whereas the movie was released on November 14, 2018. Below in this article, you can find the details about Dragon Ball Super: Broly Full Movie Download and where to Watch Dragon Ball Super: Broly Full Movie Online.
Dragon Ball Super: Broly Details, Cast & Crew
- Director: Tatsuya Nagamine / Naohiro Shintani
- Written by: Akira Toriyama
- Lead Actors:
- Goku as Masako Nozawa
- Vegeta as Ryō Horikawa
- Frieza as Ryūsei Nakao
- Paragus as Katsuhisa Hōki
- Bulma as Aya Hisakawa
- Broly as Bin Shimada
- Cheela as Nana Mizuki
- Supporting Actors:
- Lemo as Tomokazu Sugita
- Piccolo as Toshio Furukawa
- Beerus as Kōichi Yamadera
- Kikono as Masami Kikuchi
- Berryblue as Kimiko Saitō
- Bardock as Masako Nozawa
- Producers: Toei Animation
- Music Director: Norihito Sumitomo
- Background Music: Norihito Sumitomo
Dragon Ball Super: Broly Box Office Collection Update
Day 1 | TBA |
Day 2 | TBA |
Day 3 | TBA |
Day 4 | TBA |
Day 5 | TBA |
Day 6 | TBA |
Day 7 | TBA |
Day 8 | TBA |
Day 9 | TBA |
Day 10 | TBA |
Total Collection | $123.1 million |
Dragon Ball Super: Broly Hit or Flop
Dragon Ball Super: Broly received an 8.5/10 rating on the IMDb website which means: Dragon Ball Super: Broly is loved by both audience and critics. The total budget of Dragon Ball Super: Broly is $8.5 million against that collected $123.1 Million on Box Office Collection. Hence Dragon Ball Super: Broly considered as Superhit Hollywood Animated movie for the year 2018.
Full Story of Dragon Ball Super: Broly
The Story starts Forty One Years Ago
Forty-one years ago, the Saiyan homeworld planet is controlled by the army of the king Cold, who deputies their command to his son Frieza. Ruler Vegeta leader of the Saiyan considers his son Prince of Vegeta is a mastermind to release their people and rule the universe. He comes to know about Broly, a Saiyan baby born with an unusual power level extremely that of his son, and separation Broly to the distant Planet Vampa. Broly and his father Paragus becomes doubtful of Frieza and sends his son Kakarot (Goku), to Earth.
His doubt is verified when Frieza destroys Planet Vegeta after learning of a Legendary Super Saiyan who could one day defeat him. The Saiyan race is damaged apart from Broly and Paragus, Goku and his father Raditz, Vegeta and his mate Nappa, and Vegeta’s brother Table.
The Present Day
In the present day, Vegeta and Goku practice on an island with Bulma, Bulla, Whis, and Beerus. Bulma is contacted by Trunks, he tells her that six of the dragons ball have been stolen by Frieza’s soldiers. Al four of them travel to the Arctic to discover the seventh Dragon Ball before Frieza can recover it. In the meantime, Broly and his father Paragus are saved from Vampa by Lemo and Cheelai, two ow level soldiers in Frieza’s army searching for hires. They are brought to Frieza, who hires them to support him to defeat Vegeta and Goku. The two groups confront each other in the Arctic, where Paragus tells Broly to attack Vegeta.
Broly Fights Vegeta
Broly fights Vegeta and then with Goku, growing tougher as the fight goes on catching up to their Super Saiyan God forms. Goku defeats Broly with Super Saiyan Blue and Frieza comebacks by killing Paragus, provoking the Super Saiyan Powers. He defeats Goku and Vegeta with his new power, so they kick him into striking Frieza as another option and they teleport to Piccolo’s place. Piccolo and Goku teach Vegeta how to use the fusion dance trick, after one hour, after two failed tries, Goku and Vegeta successfully blend together into Gogeta teleport back to them to the war field. Gogeta turns Super Saiyan and engages in beam clash with Broly, which breaks the fabric of reality and sends the two into another dimension.
Assuming to Fight Again With Broly
Gogeta controls the fight until furious Broly power up even further into his Legendary Super Saiyan form. This permits Broly to regain the advantage, until Gogeta’s power up into Super Saiyan Blue, permitting him to controls the fight once again. The two fight more intensely breaking through so many dimensions, before coming back to the real world.
Gogeta defeats Broly and is about to eliminate him with the powerful energy wave, but Lemo and Cheelai, who had formed a friendship with Broly, call Shenron with the Dragon Balls and utilize their desire to carrying Broly return to Vampa. Frieza pulls back, promising to come back again another time. Goku later meets with Broly, Lemo, Cheelai on Vampa wishing to be friends and providing them several survival supplies from Capsule Corp, while also assuming to fight Broly again.
Review of Dragon Ball Super: Broly
The film that considers the character of Broly, the mighty Saiyan fighter who has dedicated following between Dragon Ball fans. The story of the film goes after the Saiyan ruler Vegeta deported the mighty Broly as baby, with his father, Paragusfollowing him to distant Planet. But after the sinful king, Frieza destroys all of the Saiyan’s Home Planet. Very few Saiyan’s survive including King and deported Broly. After years, Goku and Vegeda live on the Earth.
Frieza convinces Paragus to use Broly’s power to fight with Goku and Vegeda.
Story Review
The film is self-contained clearly fitted toward current franchise fans, who will praise for the character, cherish the back stories and inside jokes, and fully believe the story, the uninformed audience can still enjoy movie especially they are young and easily charmed by giant fight strings, but they will not understand the film like that way true fans of the film.
Action Review
The teens and the young generation who have grown up watching this animation series will be eager to see Broly as the main part of the film. The story of the film is rather slim because of its all a lead up to the legend fight amongst Broly and Vegeta and Goku. Broly is depressed and misjudged having been brought up away from any culture, while Goku and Vegeta display odd couple brotherhood. The big fight section is insanely long, but it is full of some evolutions, and it’s level up ample to delight those used to see these characters going into Super Saiyan mode.
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Dragon Ball Super: Broly Full Movie Download
houseofhorrors.com strongly recommends not to download Dragon Ball Super: Broly or any other movie from illegal websites. Different country has its different law and Indian Copy Right Law has to be followed strictly in India. The Production house of Dragon Ball Super: Broly has not authorized any of illegal websites to provide Dragon Ball Super: Broly Full Movie Download.
Fantastic movie I loved it
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Dragon Ball is the love 😍😍😍😍
Amazing movie 😍😍😍😍
Loved it
Dragon ball super: brolly full movie is really really fabulous I just love dbz and DBS series and it’s a best part among every thing this may not be canon but this is a masterpiece
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I m a huge fan of dragon ball, have watch every single episodes of DBS till POT n I just love dragon ball super:Brolly full movie a most
DBS Brolly is super …… meh:/ with the rotten tomatoes score sky high and several notable reviewers giving it’s a ringing endorsement I was pumped for this movie