Kavalthurai Ungal Nanban is an upcoming Tamil movie written and directed by Ranjith Manikandan. Produced under BR Talkies Corporation and White Moon Talkies banner, this movie features Suresh Ravi, Raveena Ravi, Mime Gopi, Super Good Subramani, RJ Munna, Sharath Ravi in the lead roles. Music directors Adithyha Jayakumar and Soorya roped together and composed songs and background score for this movie. In this article, you will find the details about the Kavalthurai Ungal Nanban Full Movie teaser and the latest news.
Kavalthurai Ungal Nanban Full Movie Teaser Release:
News & Updates
- 23-Sep-2019: Lahari Music | T-Series is the Youtube channel that updated the Teaser of the upcoming movie Kavalthurai Ungal Nanban.