EDGE OF DARKNESS is a more then effective thriller. It actually works on many levels. As a drama, it scores, as an action/adventure, it scores well lets face it, it's just a damn good flick.
Really didn't know what I was in store for when I slapped this one in the player but was quickly sucked into the storyline which quickly involves us in a fathers quest to find out who murdered his daughter.
MEL GIBSON play Thomas Craven, a cop whose daughter EMMA is coming home for a visit. He picks his daughter up at the airport and as they are getting into the car she gets sick and vomits. Blaming it on the trip and such they hurry home. Things seem great and Craven sets about making his daughter some dinner, making small talk when he notices that Emma has a nose bleed she then gets violently sick again. In a panic they rush around to head to the hospital, Emma is trying to tell her dad something but its getting lost in the confusion. As they head out the front door some one yells CRAVEN and shoots Emma who dies in her fathers arms.
At first everyone assumes that it is some kind of revenge killing aimed at Thomas who certainly has his share of enemies in town but as CRAVEN is going through his daughters things he discovers that she was carrying a gun, and a Geiger counter and immediately knows that something is not right.
From this point on EDGE OF DARKNESS becomes part revenge flick and part conspiracy flick. As CRAVEN investigates deeper and deeper he discovers that his daughter had discovered some unsavory goings on and was actually coming home to enlist her fathers help in exposing the truth.
EDGE OF DARKNESS ends up being a very taught, very emotional film that will literally have you wrapped around its finger within the first 10 minutes and just does not let go until the final frame.
GIBSON is great in these types of films and this one is no exception. I completely enjoyed my time spent with this film and appreciated the fact that they wove a complex and interesting story while not forgetting to keep it entertaining and surprising. You really don't know exactly where they are heading with things till the very end and when you find out it is not a groaner but instead both exhilarating and heartbreaking.
EDGE OF DARKNESS should make it onto your must see list
EDGE OF DARKNESS is available now on DVD and Blu-ray. You can CLICK HERE to head on over to the WB store and pick it up now.
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