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May 22, 2010, 4:41 PM

I think I liked it better when Vampires only stalked at night and could always be found in a coffin hidden in some dank dark basement.  Vampires today are just to accessible, to easy to find.

No longer creatures of the night.

The latest entry into the same vein (pun intended) as Tru Blood and dare I say Twilight is DAYBREAKERS.  It's the old "Vampires living among" us plot.  It's actually kind of getting used to death. 

DAYBREAKERS comes with some pretty heavy star power attached.  Ethan Hawke, Willem DaFoe and Sam Neal pack a pretty hefty punch and it's a good thing as the three of them pretty much carry the whole film.  Yeah, there's a couple of problems.

First up, what the hell is up with the washed out, blue tinted color scheme?  Ugh, it is like the whole film is just washed out.  I hate when film makers do this.  Just like Spielberg in MINORITY REPORT.  It just looks like they couldn't afford the good camera, in my opinion.  Enough of the artsy crap, just make a good flick.

The storyline is severely heavy handed playing off of many recent concerns.  Corporate greed, high unemployment, high violence,  the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.  You know the drill.  The story takes place in  2019 and almost the whole world population has been converted to Vampire.  This has caused a severe shortage of blood for all to feed on.  Along comes the evil corporate entity headed by Sam Neil, who secretly farms humans for their blood storing them in these huge facility's where folks are hooked up to what is the equivalent of a milking machine.  We kind of already seen something like this in one of the BLADE flicks. Don't remember which one but I know it was in one of them.

Ethan Hawke's character works for the evil corporation and secretly works at tying to come up with a blood replacement (Tru Blood anyone) to help feed the teaming masses. 

There are a couple of good FX moments but overall the film just comes across as another preachy, soapbox flick to allow a political point of view to be blasted at you but masked as entertainment.

Greed, corruption, treachery, hell I can get this on CSPAN. 

I guess that my biggest problem with DAYBREAKERS is just that it brings nothing new to the table.  It kind of grabs bits and pieces of some current popular Vampire projects ( Tru Blood, Twilight, Blade) and  puts a political thriller twist on it, throws in some poorly hidden references to today's financial and political theater, tints it blue and hopes we all buy it.

I wouldn't.

DAYBREAKERS comes to us from The SPIERIG BROTHERS, Michael and Peter whose film UNDEAD I really enjoyed.  They just really missed the mark for me on this one.  Technically the film is fine but I really found myself distracted to a point of not being able to enjoy the film with that annoying washed out blue tinting.  Guys, I don't know if that was your idea or not but next time someone suggests you add an artsy flare, turn and run.  I'm sure there is some political point that the tinting is supposed to represent but guess what, it don't work.  It just makes everything look blue.

It's always fun to watch Sam Neil do his thing and Ethan Hawke and Willem DaFoe bring their usual high caliber A game.  So, no problems there.  Problem is, even with those three giving great performances the film as a whole is average at best.  Kind of says it all.

DAYBREAKERS is avaialbe now on DVD and Blu-Ray.  You can CLICK HERE to head on over to AMAZON and pick it up if so inclined.


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