1962 gave birth to a sleazy cult-classic horror-scifi film called The Brain That Wouldnt Die - directed by Joseph Green - in which a man keeps his wife's head alive in his laboratory as a wild beast pounds on the walls in the adjecent room. If you're a fan of material like this, and in the Portland Oregon area - check out what's going on at the Miracle Theater on Stark St.
Put together by Ryan Cloutier and Brian Koch of Last Rites Productions - "The Brain That Wouldn't Die" is ponderous meditation on the dangers of science and technology gone awry, the movie is a riot of unintended humor, never more so than when a point-of-view shot shows the films protagonist plucking his girlfriends disembodied head from the burning wreckage of his car. Koch swears an additional pair of hands is visible, helping with the handoff.
Cloutier and Koch, twenty- to-thirtysomethings who discovered the cinematic gems via the television series Mystery Science Theater, enjoy the challenge of turning such moments into live theater.
I dont want to say unprofessional, Cloutier says, but we intentionally work with the awkwardness of the movie.
"The Brain That Wouldn't Die" continues Thursday-Saturdays through July 29 and starts at 8pm. Last Rites Productions at Miracle Theatre, 525 S.E. Stark St.; $10-$12, Thursdays are "Pay What You Can"; phone 503-547-4019
Visit their Official Website at www.lastritesproductions.org