Thaman composed the music for the Tamil upcoming Action Masala Vaa Deal Movie, directed by Rathina Shiva and produced by Hemanth in the banner of Feather Touch Entertainment. The lead roles played by Arun Vijay, Karthika Nair, and Vamsi Krishna.
Pesai Pesai’ is straight out of Thaman’s templates. Right from ‘Aathadi Aathadi’ to ‘Ethanai Kavignen’, the track is in Thaman’s familiar territory. Haricharan delivers the rendition with little help from the backing chorus.
Sony Music India has released the trailer of Vaa Deal movie on Youtube. The trailer got the 3.7 M views. The movie starts the shooting in 2012 but the movie postponed for some issues. Now the Crew start the work and shoot the movie. Finally, the movie going to be released in 2019.