The Grudge is a 2004 English language Supernatural Horror movie made under the direction of Takashi Shimizu. Sam Raimi, Robert Tapert, and Takashige Ichise has produced this movie under the banner: Ghost House Pictures. The lead roles are played by Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jason Behr, Ka Dee Strickland, Clea DuVall, and Bill Pullman while the supporting cast includes . Music is composed by Christopher Young, while Stephen Susco has provided the screenplay.
The Grudge (2004) Rating:
- Dylan = 7 / 10;
- Eloise = 7 / 10;
- Raoul = 9 / 10;
- Ronan = 7.5 / 10;
- Simina = 7.5 / 10;
- Andrew = 7 /10;
- IMDB = 5.9 / 10;
- Rotten Tomatoes = 39%
The Grudge (2004) Synopsis:
Takeo killed his wife Kayako for having an affair with her college professor and also murdered his son for witnessing his mother’s death. Later, he also hangs himself and all three of them become ghosts. An American nurse, after visiting that cursed house, becomes the prey of hostile spirits who kill people in atrocious circumstances.
The Grudge (2004) Review:
When thinking about “which movie was the scariest ever?”, The Grudge usually comes in my top 3 (and you are argue/comment on this!). This introduce the greatest thing about this movie…it is truly scary.
Once a movie succeeds at giving you the creep, nothing else really matter. I was totally immersed in the story. Many times I jumped and all along I couldn’t get my eyes out of the movie, thanks to the dark and oppressive atmosphere. The little boy, the noise of the woman…they are absolutely terrifying. Some scenes are really meant to scare you for long (the woman in the bed scene!). As if it wasn’t enough, the movie also has got an interesting storyline! A great piece of real horror!