Splinter is a 2008 English language horror movie directed by Toby Wilkins. The movie is produced by Ted Kroeber, Kai Barry under Magnolia Pictures. When we consider the Casting of this movie, the lead roles are played by Shea Whigham, Paulo Costanzo, while the supporting cast includes Jill Wagner, Rachel Kerbs. Coming to the Important Crew: Music is composed by Elia Cmiral, while Toby Wilkins has provided the screenplay.
Splinter (2008) Rating:
- Dylan = 7.5 / 10;
- Eloise = 6 / 10;
- Raoul = 8 / 10;
- IMDb = 6.1 / 10;
- Rotten Tomatoes = 7.4 / 10;
Splinter (2008) Synopsis:
A young couple on holiday is captured by two criminals. As they find refuge in a petrol station, the four of them will encounter a strange hostile creature.
Splinter (2008) Review:
Splinter is not a big Hollywood movie, it was done with a small budget and has surprised everyone by how good it actually was, and how good it actually looks! The concept of the monster-parasite hybrid creature is quite inventive and at least, is something new! It has cool features such as the possibility to attack people from far, infect people quite badly, feed to grow, etc. This sets a simple series of rules which are pretty well respected throughout the movie, and the characters fight by these rules (and if you read a few reviews, you’ll now know how much I like a movie which set simple but efficient rules). The main one, which is that the splinter creature hunt using temperature, is really well exploited!
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