Kabir Singh is an action drama and romantic Bollywood movie upcoming of 2019. Directed by Sandeep Vanga and produced by Cine1 Studios and T-Series. This movie is a remake of his own Telugu film Arjun Reddy (2017). Whereas the film features Shahid Kapoor and Kiara Advani are in the lead roles of the movie. The film is based on an alcoholic surgeon and drug addict who goes on the self-destructive path of life after his girlfriend got married to someone else. This film is scheduled for a theatrical release on 21 June 2019. Shahid Kapoor Is Not The First Choice Of The Producers For Kabir Singh.
Shahid Kapoor Is Not The First Choice Of The Producers For Kabir Singh.
After watching Shahid Kapoor in the Kabir Singh Trailer all of the audience and the fans are saying that Shahid is the best for this character and has done a great job. But according to the reports by Pinkvilla, comes to know that Arjun Kapoor is the first choice of the producers.
Sandeep Vanga was confident that this role will be nailed by Shahid Kapoor and he is in talk with Shahid very earlier for this role. So it’s not right to give the role another actor accept Shahid Kapoor. As Sandeep Vanga is the director of Arjun Reddy, he has already chosen Shahid for this character.