Redneck Zombies is a 1987 Hollywood horror-comedy trash film directed by Pericles Lewnes and released by Troma Entertainment. The movie produced by Pericles Lewnes and George Scott, screenplay by Fester Smellman. Lisa de Haven, William E. Benson, William W. Decker, and James Housley were the starred of the movie. A new 20th-anniversary edition of the film was released on DVD January 27, 2009. It includes the never before released soundtrack on CD. Here below in this article, we will introduce the details of Redneck Zombies Full Movie News.
Redneck Zombies Story
After some recommendations from a few visitors to the House, I decided to give “Redneck Zombies” a shot… with a few beers as a chaser of course. I was ready for a real stinker, but my friends at Troma have never let me down. Although all their films may not be great, at least they are entertaining. This shot-on-video (SOV) feature is a low-budget zombie gorefest that will make you think twice about taking a swig of grandpa’s “white lightning”.
Plenty of gore and laughs in this low budget zombie flick directed by Pericles Lewnes. Thereee is a great parody of the hitchhiker scene from “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” that is damn funny. The gore flows thick in this Troma classic.