The Major movie has inspired by true events, the film shows how real-life hero Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan (Adivi Sesh) saved the lives of considerable hostages. As before standing martyred by terrorists in the Taj Mahal Palace Mumbai on November 26, 2008, in the infamous attack on the heritage hotel. Major has slated to include a worldwide theatrical out on February 11, 2022.
Cast & Crew:
Major is a Bollywood biographical drama, navigated by Sashi Kiran Tikka. The movie star Adivi Sesh as Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan. The remaining stars are Sobhita Dhulipala, Saiee Manjrekar, Prakash Raj, Revathi, Murli Sharma. The film exist simultaneously released in Hindi, Telugu, and Malayalam. The movie is produced by Sony Pictures Films India in association with Mahesh Babu’s GMB Entertainment and A+S Movies.
Teaser Details :
The teaser has released with the span of 1 minute 35 seconds on Apr 12, 2021, under the Sony Pictures Films India music channel. It’s nice to see a Telugu movie about a Malayali Soldier who lived in Karnataka and gave his life defending INDIA and its citizens against terrorist attacks in Maharashtra. This is the Unity one wishes to see everyone.
It will encourage more Brave Heart Heroes. Adivi Sesh’s sincerity and depth of understanding come across both from his acting and the script. Everybody has expected to be patriotic not just soldiers, warriors have the higher responsibility to protect patriots.
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