Jersey is a Bollywood remake of the Telugu movie of the same name. In the Hindi version, Shahid Kapoor plays the lead role. The film will be directed by Gautam Thinnanuri, who also helped the original Telugu version starring Nani. Jersey turns out to be a talented yet failed cricketer who decides to renew his career to fulfill his son’s jersey wish as a gift. Shahid Kapoor trained hard and tough to get into a cricketer skin for a jersey. Jersey is produced by Dil Raju, Suryadevara Nagavanshi, and Aman Gill under the banner of Allu Entertainment, Dil Raju Production, Sithara Entertainments, and Brat Films.
Trailer Info:
The new trailer opens with Shahid’s strokeplay montage on the cricket field, after which Mrinal says “You got the chance!” Seems to say that. People downplayed Shahid’s character and asked him to lead others from the ‘36s ’. But his son said to him, “When you play cricket, you look like a hero to me,” Shahid returned to the field.
The official list of the jersey reads, “An ex-cricketer is struggling to make ends meet, wants to fulfill his child’s desire to own a jersey, but in the process comes face to face with his heroic past and decides to rise to the occasion. ”
Movie Story:
After Arjun’s son Ketan (Prit Kamani) presents the book ‘Jersey’ based on his father to two female readers, they ask him an interesting question that will take him back in time. The scene is a flashback to a cricket match where Arjun Shahid Kapoor hits the ball with fours and sixes in an outrageous form, his girlfriend Vidya (Mrinal Thakur) cheering for him from the stands. In the next shot ten years later, Arjun is seen sleeping with his youngest son Ketan aka Kittu (Ronit Kamra) on his chest. Vidya, now his wife, is sleeping on the sofa next to them.
Some containers were placed on the floor to collect water from the leaking roof. The former star domestic cricketer, who was sacked from his job at the Food Corporation of India on corruption charges, is now living with an education. For some reason, Arjun keeps a hand away from the game of cricket despite his mentor coach Bhalla (Pankaj Kapoor) trying to encourage him to return to his first love. However, when his son Kittu asks for a jersey as a birthday present, Arjun is unaware that he will soon embark on a journey of self-discovery and redemption so that the whole world can already remain a ‘hero’ in his son’s eyes. Tagged him as a loser.
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Movie Review:
Shahid Kapoor was able to achieve the same feat with the Hindi version. While true to the original version of Gautam Tinnauri in terms of story-telling, Kapoor as an actor brought a lot of new things to the table. From his flamboyant gait and speaking as an aggressive cricketer to his handsome antics as an active father, he completely surrenders to his role. If Kabir Singh in Shahid Kapoor gives us a new-fangled ‘Angry Young Man’, Jersey introduces us to him as a father who does not want to disappoint his son despite having to pay a heavy price. Shahid is another amazing show coming your way! His scenes with his young co-star Ronit Kamra, who also appeared in a Telugu film, touched your hearts.
Mrinal Thakur steps into Shraddha Srinath Shoes to play Shahid Kapoor’s Better Half on screen. The actress does full justice to her character and brings a lot of authenticity to her character emotionally. Cinematographer Anil Mehta provided some interesting shots with his camera. The jersey gives you a lot of memorable frames. Editor Naveen Nooli added two scenes in a creative way to add more layers to the story-telling. Our picks are from Sachet Tandon’s rock riff ‘Mehram’ and Love Ballad ‘Maiyya Mine’ jersey album. The rest of the songs are passable. As an actor, Shahid Kapoor is following the same path. He makes sure your heart belongs to his ‘jersey’.
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