Vijay Kumar, known professionally by the name as Duniya Vijay, is an Indian actor who appears in Kannada films. Duniya Vijay started off as a junior film artist in the industry playing small roles before he got his big break in Duniya (2007). In the below-mentioned article, we will find Duniya Vijay Biography, Film, Family, Age, Height, Weight, and Income. And also we will Cover the Duniya Vijay Biography.
Duniya Vijay Film Details:
Duniya Vijay made his first acting debut in the movie Duniya (2007), which give him a break. He is noted for his performances in films such as Chanda (2007), Junglee (2009), Johny Mera Naam Preethi Mera Kaam (2011) and Jayammana Maga (2013). He also did roles in television. In 2016, his first release was Yogaraj Bhat’s much-hyped movie Dana Kayonu opposite with Priyamani. The film went on to become a success commercially film of his career. His upcoming release is Nagashekar’s Masti Gudi. Below you will see the top movies of Duniya Vijay Career.
- 2004 Ranga SSLC
- 2005 Rishi
- 2006 Ambi
- 2007 Sri Kshethra Kaivara Thathayya
- 2008 Avva
- 2009 Junglee
- 2010 Shankar IPS
- 2011 Veera Bahu
- 2012 Rajanikantha
- 2018 Johnny Johnny Yes Papa
Duniya Vijay Family Details:
Vijay is the son of Narayanamma and Rudrappa. Ambuja is his sister. He married Keerthi Pattadi is an Indian Film Actress and Singer, who appears in the Indian film industry.
Father | Rudrappa |
Mother | Narayanamma |
Wife | Keerthi Pattadi |
Sisters | Ambuja |
Brothers | N/A |
Son | Samrat |
Daughter | Monica, Monisha, |