Directed by Bharat Kamma and Produced by Yash Rangineni, Dear Comrade is a Telugu Language Action Drama movie released on 26th July 2019. Vijay Devarakonda, Rashmika Mandanna, and Shruti Ramachandran took up the lead roles, whereas Jayaprakash, Brahmaji, Sukanya, Rao Ramesh, Raghu Babu, Anish Kuruvilla have performed in the supporting roles. The screenplay is done by Bharat Kamma and Music is done by Justin Prabhakaran. In the below article you will find the detail of Dear Comrade 1st Day Box Office Collection.
Also, Check:
- Where to Watch Dear Comrade Full Movie Online
- Dear Comrade Box Office Collection
- Dear Comrade 2nd Day Box Office Collection
- Dear Comrade 3rd Day Box Office Collection
- Dear Comrade 4th Day Box Office Collection
- Dear Comrade 5th Day Box Office Collection
- Dear Comrade 6th Day Box office collection
- Dear Comrade 7th Day Box Office Collection
Dear Comrade 1st Day Box Office Collection
The Telugu language Dear Comrade is running with good Occupancy in the theaters and collected Rs.14.00Cr at Box Office on its opening day. The fans of Vijay Devarakonda is very much excited to watch Telugu movie Dear Comrade and they are coming theaters in very good numbers. Also, it is expected to rock on Box Office and will make enough collection for filmmakers.
Dear Comrade Day 1 Box Office Collection in AP and TS
Vijay Devarakonda’s Latest Telugu Movie Dear Comrade has received an excellent response on its first day at the AP and TS Box Office collected Rs.10.20Cr. Also, Dear Comrade expected to receive great weekend as peoples are loving her character.
Dear Comrade Day 1 Collection in India
Dear Comrade is extremely doing well on its Opening Day on Box Office. As we all know that since last 1 year Vijay Devarakonda is giving back to back Hit movie on Box Office so we can expect that Dear Comrade will be another hit from her career.
Dear Comrade 1st Day Collection Worldwide
The total collection for the first day on Box Office for Dear Comrade is Rs.14.00Cr worldwide and expected to collect more on the weekend. We can expect that on Day 2 also Dear Comrade will do good business at Box Office.
Region | Collection |
AP and TS | 10.20Cr |
India | 11.90 Cr |
Worldwide | 14.00 Cr |
Dear Comrade 1st Day Collection Prediction
Dear Comrade has a very unique and strong story concept which can be the primary reason for having a positive response from the audience on Box Office. In the below-mentioned table, you will find the Dear Comrade First Day Box Office Prediction
Ap and TS | 15 Cr |
India | 20 Cr |
Worldwide | 23 Cr |