Damayanthi is an upcoming Kannada movie. The movie is directed by Navarasan and will feature Radhika Kumaraswamy, Bhajarangi Loki, Sadhu Kokila and Tabla Nani as lead characters. Another popular actor who was roped in for Damayanthi is Sharan Ulithi. In the below-mentioned article, you will get the details about Damayanthi Full Movie Wiki.
Radhika Kumaraswamy, who starred in Tamil films such as Iyarkai and Varnajaalam, before going on to concentrate on Telugu and Kannada films, is making a return of sorts to Tamil cinema with Damayanthi, directed by Navarasan.
Damayanthi Teaser Release on Youtube
A mythological horror, Damayanthi’s story is set in the 90s. On tackling this genre, Navarasan, who is also producing the film, says, “Such types of films are doing well these days. So I think this the best time to make a film like this.”
Damayanthi is being made in Kannada, but will also be released in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, and Malayalam. Apart from Radhika, the film also stars Bhajrangi Loki, Sadhu Kokila, Tabala Nani, Mithra, and Shran Ulthi. Damayanthi is scheduled for release on September 20.
Damayanthi Full Movie Cast & Crew
Movie Name | Damayanthi |
Release Date | September 20, 2019 |
Movie Director(s) | Navarasan |
Movie Producer(s) | Navarasan |
Production Company | Navarasa creatives |
Lead Cast | Radhika Kumaraswamy, Anusha Rai |
Supporting Cast | Bhajrangi Loki, Sadhu Kokila, Tabala Nani, Mithra, and Shran Ulthi |