Only a few more days till the sleeper hit on 2009 hits home video and to help drive that point home the fine folks behind the film are making available a nice little prize pack that you are defineately going to want to get you hands on.
All the info is below and the email link to enter is at the bottom of the article.
First off, here's what you win.
They're calling it a SCARE KIT and it's full of the following goodies:
Paranormal Activity scare kit contains:
Baby Powder
Ouija Board
Satin Sleep Mask
Barrel Sling Duffel bag
You wanna see it? OK.
As I mentioned, the DVD comes out Dec. 29th. It's going to be made available in a couple different formats, DVD, Blu-Ray and a Collector's Edition. You can CLICK HERE and get all the info you could possible want on all the different editions.
Now, if you want to win the SCARE KIT all you need to do is shoot me an email RIGHT HERE. As always include you full name, mailing address, etc. I'll take entries up until release day Dec. 29th.
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