Directed by Janjot Singh and Produced by Karaj Gill and Ashu Munish Sahni, Chal Mera Putt is a Punjabi Language Comedy Drama movie released on 26th July 2019. Simi Chahal, Amrinder Gill took up the lead roles, whereas Iftikhar Thakur, Haqi Ali, has performed in the supporting roles. The screenplay is done by Rakesh Dhawan and Music is done by Dr. Zeus. In the below article you will find the detail of Chal Mera Putt 1st Day Box Office Collection.
Also, Check:
- Where to Watch Chal Mera Putt Full Movie Online
- Chal Mera Putt Box Office Collection
- Chal Mera Putt 2nd Day Box Office Collection
- Chal Mera Putt 3rd Day Box Office Collection
- Chal Mera Putt 4th Day Box Office Collection
- Chal Mera Putt 5th Day Box Office Collection
Chal Mera Putt 1st Day Box Office Collection
The first day collections are expected to be high for this Punjabi movie Chal Mera Putt. The overseas collections are to be good to achieve success at the box office. The worldwide and the Punjabi collections are now listed below in this article.
Chal Mera Putt Day 1 Collection in India
Chal Mera Putt is extremely doing good on its Opening Day on Box Office. The India collections are to be good to achieve success at the box office so we can expect that Chal Mera Putt will be hit from Collections. The first day India Collection is 77lacks.
Chal Mera Putt 1st Day Collection Worldwide
The total collection for the first day on Box Office for Chal Mera Putt is Rs.1.00Cr worldwide and expected to collect more on the weekend. We can expect that on Day 2 also Chal Mera Putt will do good business at Box Office.
Language | Collection |
India | 0.77Cr |
Worldwide | 1.00Cr |
Chal Mera Putt 1st Day Collection Prediction
Chal Mera Putt has a very unique and strong story concept which can be the primary reason for having a positive response from the audience on Box Office. In the below-mentioned table, you will find the Chal Mera Putt First Day Box Office Prediction
India | 2.25Cr |
Worldwide | 4.45Cr |