Arctic Dogs is an upcoming British-Canadian-South Korea computer-animated comedy film co-written and directed by Aaron Woodley and co-directed by Dimos Vrysellas. The film stars the voices of Jeremy Renner, Heidi Klum, James Franco, John Cleese, Omar Sy, Michael Madsen, Laurie Holden, Anjelica Huston, and Alec Baldwin. The film will be released on November 1, 2019. The movie is about “Swifty” the Arctic Fox works in the mailroom of the Arctic Blast Delivery Service but dreams of becoming a Top Dog Someday and later proves them by his actions that he the Top Dog. If you are looking for Arctic Dogs Full Movie Details then you can find the same in the below-mentioned article.
Arctic Dogs Story
Swifty the Arctic Fox works in the mailroom of the Arctic Blast Delivery Service but believes of one day becoming a Top Dog. To prove himself worthy of the Top Dog role, Swifty secretly commandeers one of the sleds and delivers a mysterious package to a secret location. He stumbles upon a hidden fortress, where he comes face to face with Otto Von Walrus, a blubbery evil genius, who walks around on mechanical legs and commands a loyal army of oddly polite puffin henchmen. Swifty soon discovers Otto Von Walrus’ plan to drill beneath Athe arctic surface to unleash enough ancient gas to melt the Arctic, foreign as the world’s supreme leader. Swifty saves the day and becomes the Top Dog.
Teaser for Arctic Dogs
Cast & Crew Arctic Dogs Full Movie
Movie Name | Arctic Dogs |
Release Date | November 1, 2019 |
Movie Director(s) | Aaron Woodley |
Movie Producer(s) | Monika Bacardi, Joonbum Heo, Andrea Iervolino, Young Lee, Jae Y. Moh, Jae Woo Park |
Production Company | AMBI Group, AIC Studios, Arctic Justice Movie, Assemblage Entertainment, Locus Creative Studios |
Voice Artist | Jeremy Renner, Heidi Klum, James Franco, John Cleese, Omar Sy |
Supporting Voice Artist | Michael Madsen, Laurie Holden, Anjelica Huston, Alec Baldwin |
- 21 Jun 2019: The Teaser was posted by GameSpot Universe Trailers itself and till now the video has got 36K views which are exceptional.