Why there’s Never been a Better Time to get into Horror Movies

Why there’s Never been a Better Time to get into Horror Movies

As far as cinema genres go, horror films are a perennial favorite. Audiences have always loved to be scared, and adaptations of horror fiction classics like Dracula and Frankenstein were among Hollywood’s earliest hits....
10 Best Indie Horror Movies

10 Best Indie Horror Movies That You Never Heard Of And Where You Can...

Horror films are for the people who love them or not. There are many chances that you might wonder why people watch horror films. Well, everyone has a different taste when it comes to...
Thai Horror Movies

Best Thai Horror Movies of all time

One might not regard Thailand as a major contributor to the horror universe, and it's not only about the horror universe, the same applies to the contribution made by Thailand to the global cinematic...
Privacy and Security

Fear of Technology - A Recurring Horror Theme

Society is becoming more and more dependent on technology and, with that, there is also a growing fear of its possible negative effects. Some of those are not based on facts, but rather on...
The Top Horror Movies from 2012

The Top Horror Movies from 2012

When we talk about the Best Horror Movies of 2012, it's like plucking the rare flowers from the heap of garbage. There were tons of movies that were dumped in 2012, obviously not every...
The Way to Appreciating Horror

The Way to Appreciating Horror Even more

For some horror movies is not just a time pass, it's a habit. A habit that only deepens its roots with time, once you are habitual of watching horror movies you cannot separate yourself...

The History and Legacy of the Early Dracula Movies

As one of the most memorable horror movie characters of all time, Count Dracula has become firmly embedded in popular culture. How much of this comes down to the original Dracula movies, and what...
The Essential Black Horror Movies

The Essential Black Horror Movies

We all have a darker side of ourselves which we don't show to everyone. And one of those sides is enjoying dark movies. As everyone doesn't find dark movies interesting, but there are people...
Best Campy Horror Movies

Best Campy Horror Movies of All Time

A gory horror film is curated to send chills of fright to the viewer's spine. People in the quest for thrill and fun, visit uncanny and unusual places and this is when they are...
Horror Gaming

Horror Movies with Online Gaming Theme

Introduction Horror movies with online gaming is a popular theme. There are many popular movies made on this theme. These movies also depict live casino online as part of the online gaming setup. Most...