was started in 1997 and is a Horror Movie based web portal designed to provide the most up-to-date Horror News & Reviews. Sponsorship and advertising opportunities are available across the entire network and on our individual web properties.’s audience enjoys all forms of entertainment. At their foundation, they are fans of all film genres and have substance DVD collections. They enjoy the gameplay and purchasing the newest technologies.
With over 10+ years of web presence, has firmly established itself as one of the premier online resources for movie fans. has been consistently listed as one of the most popular websites on Yahoo under Entertainment > Movies and Film > Genres > Horror. Additionally, has been referenced in several leading print publications such as the New York Times, Fangoria, and TimeOut Magazine, as well as, in a recent BBC documentary on Banned Films.
Branding and direct marketing options are available.
Demographics:’s audience is comprised of mostly males (95%) ages 18-49. The audience is a well-educated, consumer-driven, and very internet savvy.
Placement Opportunities:
Place your message prominently on our front page; captivate visitors with pre-roll video ads; purchase run-of-network and run-of-site placements.
standard ad units
728×90 Superbanner
300×250 Rectangle
160×600 Tower
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