Brahms: The Boy II is an upcoming American horror film directed by William Brent Bell and written by Stacey Menear. A sequel to the 2016 film The Boy, it stars Katie Holmes, Ralph Ineson, Owain Yeoman, and Christopher Convery. A young family, unaware of the dark history, moves into the Heelshire Mansion. The premise will follow the story of the youngest son finding the porcelain doll, and befriending Brahms. If you are looking for The Boy 2 Full Movie Details then you can find the same in the below-mentioned article.
‘The Boy 2’ First Look: Brahms is Back
Brahms: The Boy 2 Full Movie Cast and Crew
Movie Name | Brahms: The Boy II |
Release Date | December 6, 2019 |
Movie Director(s) | William Brent Bell |
Movie Producer(s) | Matt Berenson Gary Lucchesi Tom Rosenberg Jim Wedaa Eric Reid Richard S. Wright |
Production Company | Lakeshore Entertainment STXfilms |
Lead Cast | Katie Holmes Ralph Ineson Owain Yeoman Christopher Convery |
Supporting Cast | Fabio William, Anjali Jay |