You may be asking yourself, "Hey Caretaker, if your
are such a big fan of the Evil Dead Trilogy, then why did it take you so damn long to get
this Sam Raimi page up?" Well to tell you the truth, doing this page kind of
intimidated me a little. As you can tell, I never do anything half-assed, and with Sam
being one of my favorite directors, nothing but perfection would be acceptable. With this
in mind, I found myself put off the page trying to gather my thoughts; writing and
re-writing the page to the point where it felt like my brain was going to explode. So I
finally decided to do it off the cuff and just spill out my undying gratitude for Sam and
his work on this page. Hopefully, I succeed in paying tribute to one of the
"best" directors around and help to turn the fans not only on to Evil Dead, but
to some of Sam's other crowning achievement. So here I go:
So, why do I enjoy Sam's work?? Well, as you have probably have read about my trials and
tribulations with the Evil Dead Trilogy, you can see my dedication to the films,
but my
admiration for Raimi is build upon an appreciation of his unique style of filmmaking.
These "Raimi-esque" touches have firmly establish Sam as a "master of
comedic horror". Let's examine the foundation of this style of filmmaking.

First, is Sam's vision. This vision
plays not only partly upon atmosphere, but also on the point-of-view (POV) of action. His
use of POV has definitely become a trademark of his features. Whether it is through the
eyes of evil deadite or from the nose of bullet, the use of POV adds to the overall effectiveness
of a scene. No movie watcher will ever forget the evil spirits as they swirled through the woods
towards their unsuspecting victims (this was supposedly done by mounting a camera on the
front of a motorcycle) or the flight of bullets in the gunfights in The Quick and
the Dead . Argento is another example
of a director who has mastered the techniques of POV.
Second, living in the eye of the storm of his filmmaking is both fear and laughter. Raimi
has build a career on his dark sense of humor. His has excellently melded both the comic
and the horrific in mystical blend of entertaining imagery. Sometimes he has (IMHO) taken
the comedy a bit far in his horror features, such as Army of
Darkness, where at other time he has masterfully woven comedy into the horrific
atmosphere such as in Evil Dead 2. There are
very few
directors that have succeeded in such attempts ( one other being Peter
Jackson) . His zombie classic Dead Alive hits on all cylinders in the same way.
Third, is the man. Sam is a very private person, but also very genuine. Many people have
told me that when they met Sam, he truly seemed sincerely interested in them and their
views. A great example of this can be seen in the making of The
Dead Next Door. It was only after buying and watching "The Dead Next
Door" and speaking with "J.R. Bookwalter" that I
really saw this side of Sam. I saw how Sam took a chance on a young, unproven filmmaker
and funded DND with the salary he was making off of Evil Dead 2. That is true
dedication to the genre. He could have easily bought the idea from J.R. and it probably
would have never gotten made, but instead he gave J.R. a chance to see his dream come
Sam Raimi is one of us. An average Joe, and not some stuck up Hollywood director. He does
his job because he loves doing it. Recently, Raimi has gotten away from the filmmaking and
his last several ventures have been in the arena of television. I particularly liked
"American Gothic". The show was definitely made for the horror fan, and too bad
CBS didn't give it time to build an audience, the way that Fox gave time for the
"X-Files". And who can mention Sam's name without bringing up the mega-popular
"Hercules" and "Xena" TV shows. His Evil
Dead roots of campiness and creativity are evident in these shows, and their
production value is outstanding for a weekly series.
Well, that is it for this page. It was a lot less painless than I thought. Hopefully,
someday I can add an online interview with Sam. So continue to enjoy the world according
to Sam Raimi and pray to the gods that he makes another horror film. One that is as dark
and frightful as "Evil Dead".
Looking to purchase some of Sam Raimi's
films, go here

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