Khamoshi is an upcoming supernatural horror Bollywood, Tamil, and Telugu movie by the director Chakri Toleti and produced by Pyx Films. Whereas the film features Prabhu Deva as the lead role and Tamannaah as a deaf and mute girl. This movie release on 31 May 2019. This was the movie Prabhu Deva And Tamannah Will Be Seen In Khamoshi After Devi 2.
The first poster of the movie is released by the lead actress Tamannah on 6 May and on 10 May the teaser of the movie is released and get the positive response from the viewers. After this, the official trailer of the movie was released by Zee Music Company on 14 May 2019 and get viewed 1.8 million. Below you can Watch Khamoshi Movie Trailer.
As Prabhu Deva And Tamannah were seen in Devi 2 after that movie they both will be seen in Khamoshi. In this movie, Prabhu Deva is in the Negative role and Tamannah is playing a deaf-mute girl whereas Bhumika Chawla and Sanjay Suri are also in this film.
This movie is now making in multi languages. Users are hereby requested to watch and enjoy the movie only in the legal streaming websites. We recommend all of the users to watch the movie only in theatres.