Kaaviyyan is a 2019 Indian road psycho-thriller film directed by Sarathi in his directorial debut. The film was shot simultaneously in Tamil and Telugu languages, with the Telugu version titled Vaadu Osthaadu. The film features Shaam, newcomer Sridevi Kumar, and Athmiya in the lead roles.Shaam is in the main lead marking his comeback into Tamil cinema as a lead actor after 6 Melugu Varthigal. Shaam gained a couple of kilograms in order to play his role as a police officer. This the third time Shaam is portraying the role of a cop in a Tamil film after Purampokku and Thillalangadi. If you are looking for Kaaviyyan Full Movie Wiki, we are here to provide the details about Kaaviyyan Movie Download.
Kaaviyyan Full Movie Download
Kaaviyyan Trailer:
The film focuses on the thriller, which involves multiple killings. Shyam has worked tirelessly to find it. The story revolves around an Indian cop who uses both brain and brawn to solve a case in Las Vegas. The film was announced in May of 2016 and was to be produced by 2m cinemas, making it will be their first venture.
Kaaviyyan Full Movie Cast & Crew
Movie Name | Kaaviyyan |
Release Date | 18 October 2019 |
Movie Director(s) | Sarathi |
Movie Producer(s) | K.V. Shabarreesh |
Production Company | 2m Cinemas |
Lead Cast | Shaam, Sridevi Kumar |
Supporting Cast | Athmiya |