Ah, TROMA, glad to have you back.
You know, there has been a lot of talk these last few years about "old school horror" and while over the top violence and graphic sex and extreme blood letting is "old school" it takes more than that to bring back the golden age of the slasher film. There is a certain style, a look that must be present to truly take you back.
I've found it in this latest release from TROMA titled BLOOD OATH.
From the opening frame this one has late 70's, early 80's written all over it. Lots of boobs, questionable acting, blood blood and more blood, a goofy looking killer that is brutal and unstoppable, yep it's all there.
Your typical "don't go in the woods" tale BLOOD OATH certainly breaks no new ground but it does revive a bygone way of scaring folks that a lot of films recently have attempt to recreate and in my opinion not managed to achieve. BLOOD OATH not only attempts it, they nail it.
I'm not going to bother getting into story details because lets face it, does it really matter? You know it don't. What matters is, is it fun? Oh hell ya! Is it bloody? Oh hell ya! Is there senseless nudity? Oh hell ya!
What's even more important is that BLOOD OATH has that grungy, dirty, slimy feel like MANIAC and THE PROWLER had. The kind of flick that you feel like you need a shower after watching it. It didn't quite make it to legendary status but it's close, certainly closer than anything in recent memory.
With that being said BLOOD OATH is far, far from perfect. It has more than its fair share of groan-able moments and they are glaringly apparent but they really do just add to the overall flavor of this must see throw back.
Starring Sarah Bloodworth, Tiffany Sheppis, Jamie Alford, J Thomas Bailey and directed by David Buchert BLOOD OATH is a fun little romp that is the perfect way to kill a rainy Saturday afternoon and see what "old school horror" really is.
Disc wise you get the average share of special features. A commentary track, blooper reel, you know the drill.
It's all good, it's all fun and I urge you to give this one a spin.
It hits DVD on May 10th from TROMA and it is one that should be on your "get it as soon as it comes out" list.
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