There is no doubt that Tim Sullivan is a HUGE horror fan. HUGE! He knows his horror and he loves it. While watching the bonus features for his latest release 2001 MANIACS: FIELD OF SCREAMS this much comes through load and clear.
What isn't explained is why oh why did we have to revisit the residents of Pleasant Valley. This is one horror fan that could have done without the return trip.
2001 MANIACS brings nothing and I do mean nothing new, original or even remotely interesting to the table.
The entire experience can be summed up in 3 words.
1. Profanity
2. Nudity
3. Blood
We all know that when these three things come together and mesh perfectly nothing short of magic happens but when these three things are just willy nilly thrown into your face you get what? Rob Zombie's Halloween.
No, wait. I'm sorry. What you get is just a mess of a film that has no heart, no soul and no reason to be watched. Oh wait, I was right. That is Rob Zombie's Halloween. Unfortunately it is also 2001 MANIACS: FIELD OF SCREAMS.
This film would have been great if I where watching it and was 14 years old and had only just heard from my friends about boobies and sex jokes. You know what? Maybe that's it. The old saying "if you don't get it, it's not for you". Maybe it's just not for me because I sure as hell don't get it.
The story line is just excruciating. The MANIACS from the first film are still at it but instead of luring unsuspecting northerners into their sleepy little town they are this time forced onto the road where they meet up with a "SIMPLE LIFE" type of reality TV show and proceed to kill off cast and crew.
Robert Englund is gone this time around. Bill Moseley steps in and does a respectfully decent job of attempting to holding this turd together but even with his best attempt he falls way short of making this one even remotely watchable.
A lot of the rest of the cast from the original come along for the ride, in a few cases that's a good ting but in a few, well I think you know.
This flick is just plain silly. It bills itself as a horror / comedy but it's not scary nor is it funny. It just kind of is.
It's all hype and no substance. It's an hour and a half of attempting to find any reason at all to have a pair of tits on the screen and then throwing some blood on them from off screen.
I'm sure this release will find an audience. The original did and they made enough money to make another one and as I always tell you, watch it and decide for yourself but for me 2001 MANIACS: FIELD OF SCREAMS is a waste of time.
Now, I did enjoy the special features. I loved watching director Tim Sullivan carry on about his love for the genre and attempt to explain why this film needed to be made. He does have a passion for it, I'll give him that.
Tim actually seems like a great guy and he's a great director. I just don't care for this film. Hey, it happens.
2001 MANIACS: FIELD OF SCREAMS hit July 20th (hey, that's my sisters birthday...Happy Birthday Sis) so go get it if your so inclined.
Personally I think this is a" NETFLIX it so you can say you seen it" title.
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