One of the more memorable and gruesome tales from Clive Barker's Books of Blood series was Midnight Meat Train - a violent tale of a man trapped on a New York City subway car with a cold-blooded murderer. Its was particularly gripping for anyone who rides underground - the thought of being trapped on a subway car after the last stop. Cowering in fear under the seat, scrunched down against the dirty tile floor as the footsteps of the Subway Slasher walk by, and the blood of another victim trickles by your face. Its Clive Barker's next project (pray he learned a lesson from The Plague) - and it was expected to go into pre-production this month, with first time director Patrick Tatopoulos at the helm. Apparently its not to be, for several reasons, and now things have been temporarily delayed as producers search for a new director to take on this much anticipated adaptation. Check back here - we'll keep you posted on further developments.

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