M77 Pekasil Silicone Sealant 
Made from 100% pure Acetoxy Silicone
M80 Pekay Hotpour Bitumen Jointing Compound
M151 Pekaseal non drying Sealant 
Used for joints with little movement and non-load bearing 
such as gutters or metal flanges
M185 Wetseal rubber based Sealant 
Ideal for sealing leaks in wet conditions
M220 Acrylic Sealant 
Used for sealing around doors, coverings and window frames
M620 Butyl Sealer 
Used for low movement joints, eg. concrete, metal requiring overpainting
M672 Polyurethane Expansion Joint Sealant (2 part) 
Used in pools, reservoirs and concrete slabs