M77 | Pekasil
Silicone Sealant
Made from 100% pure Acetoxy Silicone |
M80 | Pekay Hotpour Bitumen Jointing Compound |
M151 | Pekaseal non drying Sealant
Used for joints with little movement and non-load bearing such as gutters or metal flanges |
M185 | Wetseal rubber based Sealant
Ideal for sealing leaks in wet conditions |
M220 | Acrylic Sealant
Used for sealing around doors, coverings and window frames |
M620 | Butyl Sealer
Used for low movement joints, eg. concrete, metal requiring overpainting |
M672 | Polyurethane Expansion
Joint Sealant (2 part)
Used in pools, reservoirs and concrete slabs |