Shane M. Dallmann

RE: Waldemar lives!

No one has left their mark?  Any site devoted to Paul Naschy will receive mine now that I'm (finally) on line.  I'm just browsing tonight, but would love to relay and receive information on the man and his work.  Yes, meeting him at the NY Fango show was a privilege I won't soon forget.  And remember, it was his dissatisfaction with work along the lines of "An American Werewolf in Paris" that convinced him that Waldemar must live again--possibly in America?  When some serious business starts taking place, I'm going to lend whatever assistance I can.     I would be delighted to be in touch with any horror fans--Naschy's and otherwise.  I'll have more time to talk later--for now, take care...and thanks!



Matt Towers

RE: Viva Sr. Naschy!

May Paul Naschy live forever as the eternal werewolf of Spanish cinema!



Denetia Arellanes

RE: Paul Naschy

I have been a fan of Paul Naschy for over twenty-f.... Well, I'm a long-time fan. I am also a female fan and am hoping there are other women who are also his fans. It's just that in all this time I've never found anyone but men who are aware of Naschy's body of work. I greatly regret not knowing about his appearance at the Fangoria convention as it would have been worth my frequent flyer miles to make the weekend trip. I have had correspondence with Sr. Naschy in the past but would very much the chance to meet him in person. He was very personable in his letters and knowing that my Spanish was not that good, wrote very clearly and simply enough that I could translate with ease. It is truly a shame that he has never been able to make a film that became a hit in the U.S. There are so many independent writers/producers/directors in the U.S. today, among them Jim Wynorski and Fred Olen Ray, who are basically doing the same thing Naschy has been doing for the past 30 years (blood, violence, t&a and all).

Anyway, thanks for providing this site for people like myself.



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