The hype around CHILLERAMA has been huge and fan response has seemed to buy into the hype but I just sat down and watched CHILLERAMA and I've gotta say, I don't get it.
I think it is times like these when my age ends up weighing heavily in my opinion because I just don't understand what the hell all the clamoring was about. CHILLERAMA is mediocre at best and at its worst, just plain bad. Obviously tailored to a young, male crowd the tit, poop and dick jokes are plentiful and the gross out factor is high. Problem is, the writing is well, non existent.
It looks like they had a lot of fun making CHILLERAMA, I wish it could have been a little less painful having to watch it. Coming to us from the latest batch of hot, new, IT directors we are treated to a collection of four oddly chosen segments that all seem to be steeped in sex and blood.
My least favorite segment, I WAS A TEENAGE WEREBEAR is a painfully silly homosexual werewolf tale that I spent most of the time just staring at with mouth agape. Yikes!
I did enjoy the wrap around story of the drive-in theater that is being closed down but the separate segments did nothing for this horror fan.
I have read a ton of praise calling this film the perfect tribute to the era of the drive in, all I can say is that the drive-ins in their areas were playing different stuff than the ones in my neighborhood cause I don't think I ever had to set through anything like what this collection is selling.
With that being said, I strongly urge you check this one out for yourself because I truly do feel that they spun this one towards a horror crowd that doesn't include 50 year old dudes who remember a different kind of golden drive-in age.
You've heard the old adage "If you don't get it then it's not for you" right?
It applies here.
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