Blu-ray Review: GRINDHOUSE
By Dave Dreher
Oct 25, 2010 - 6:16:35 PM
I've actually felt kind of a sadness for GRINDHOUSE. It's never gotten the support or credit it so richly deserves. It got a kind of so-so theatrical release, did nothing at the box office and then when DVD time came someone made the call to release the two film as separate standalone releases, each getting a handful of the "faux trailers" that were such a big part of the entire experiment.
GRINDHOUSE was one of those theater experiences that all horror fans should have been required to attend. It was hard core cinema and presented in the same fashion that most of us over the age of 40 recall with great fondness. You say the word "intermission" to a kid these days and they look at you like you're speaking Spanish. They have no clue and GRINDHOUSE was an attempt to capture just a little of that feeling of old. And it worked, it really did. Problem is, the fans didn't show, they just didn't show.
When it came time for the original DVD release someone at Dimension had the brain storm to release the two films as separate entities, breaking apart the fake trailers and thus pretty much ruining the entire GRINDHOUSE experience. And so it was until now, finally the film gets a much overdue release that is worthy of its nature.
GRINDHOUSE on Blu-ray should be a required title in any horror fans collection. Finally the great theatrical experience can be enjoyed at home and it really is a noteworthy release.
Coming at us in a 2 disc collectors edition that is literally stuffed full of so much goodness that it should be illegal. Disc one is the complete theatrical experience in it's entirety, just like what the half dozen or so of us who showed at the theaters got to see.
As far as special features go, you get all the stuff that was on those stand alone releases plus all this:
Over 2 Hours of ALL NEW BONUS CONTENT including
Robert Rodriguez's 10 Min Cooking School
Greg Nicotero Makeup/Effects - Planet Terror
Extended trailer Werewolf Woman of the SS
Making of the trailers: Don't, and Thanksgiving
Don't Trailer storyboards
Death Proof Deleted Scene & Gag Reel
Hot Rods of Death Proof
From Texas to Tennessee, The Look of Death Proof
A whole nights worth of entertainment here kiddies, Once you sit through the 3 + hours of feature presentation you've still got a couple more hours of special features, it can seem like a bit of a marathon session but you know what? You just can't stop watching. I don't think that there is any part of this disc that isn't completely entertaining. I loved it, the whole dang thing.
Only one complaint, and yes this s being a bit nit-picky but I found the menu's to be kind of confusing. I really had to search for a lot of the features that the box promised. I eventually found everything but does it really need to be that complicated to find, jeez.
But that's really the only problem I can find and I know, that ain't much. So, with that being said, if you haven't picked the baby up yet on Blu-ray, you need to go get it now.
It's a great, fun, wild, often times sick and always, always entertaining ride into a by-gone era of cinema that I think if you give it a chance will end up being one of your favorite films.
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