By Dave Dreher
Oct 16, 2010 - 4:35:07 PM
This remake, like all the Platinum Dune remakes of modern day classics has certainly drawn its fair share of detractors and down right haters. Just the mere thought of remaking Kruger or Vorhees's was enough to send a lot of horror fans off the deep end, and off they deep end they went.
Here's my problem with the whole thing, a lot of the reviews out there, and I do mean a lot are from folks who weren't even born yet when Freddy first scratched down the alley and they just don't get what Freddy was all about. Before sitting down to write this review I read another persons review of the disc and this critic was actually upset that the "Platinum Dune Guys" turned Freddy into a child molester. Son, Freddy was always a child molester. I know a lot of you only remember him as the wise-cracking anti hero but in Craven's original Freddy was a monster of the worst kind. Platinum Dune did nothing but remind us all of that and then drive the point home.
Now, I was no fan of their Friday the 13th redo but I did find some redeeming value in their TEXAS CHAINSAW outing and I've found their other forays into the horror realm to be watchable if not entertaining at times.
So I sat down to watch A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET with an open mind and no expectations what so ever and you know what. It really wasn't as bad as most of the horror world would like you to think.
Actually, to say you hate this film you are in point stating that you hated the original because it is basically the exact same film. The story line, although altered ever so slightly is basically the same. How can you so openly hate something that you so obviously love. You can hate the fact that they for no reason refilmed the story but you know how you fight that, don't go see it, don't buy it on disc. Just stop bitching. Jeez....
This would in fact be my biggest problem with the film. It's almost like watching the original classic. They really brought absolutely nothing new to the table. Why bother, ya know.
Now that I've got that off my chest, the movie itself is adequately acted, actually Jackie Earl Haley does a very respectable job of bringing Kruger to life. I'm not sure Englund could portray the evil child molester any more, he took the "funny" Freddy route and made it iconic, not much evil left down that road.
This Freddy is an evil, horrible, disfigured bastard. He's scary! At no point in this film was I waiting for a whitty one liner. You knew none were coming from this freak.
The bevy of victims is your average smattering of young hardly heard of's. They're OK, not bad, not good just kind of there for Freddy to slice and dice. No real stand out performance for me there.
Director Sam Bayer holds his own. He was really in a no win situation here. If he changed things to much then he was messing with a classic and if he didn't change anything then he was just sucking of Craven's success. He took the middle road and did a fine job. Again, nothing great, but not horrible.
Overall I have to say I was entertained. I have always loved the idea of a killer who gets you in your sleep cause lets face it, we all have to do it sometime. It was a great idea then and it still is.
I know most of you are going to tear this film apart and that really is a shame cause if you honest with yourself after you view it, it's really a pretty decent remake that at the very least you should give a chance. Don't listen to all the haters, check it out for yourself.....and then hate it.
The Blu-ray package itself is pretty hard core. I like the MANIACAL MOVIE MODE which, like a lot of DVD's now, uses a series of video and audio inserts to take you behind the scenes. I actually prefer this to a standard commentary track. This is a good one, a ton of great information and explanations on why they did what they did.
Also an alternate opening and ending for the film and a complete additional scene. A nice little featurette titled Freddy Kruger Reborn delves into how they attempted re-invent Freddy for this remake. Again, top notch special features, all are well done and extremely entertaining, regardless of how you feel about the remake.
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET is out now in a Blu-ray - DVD combo pack that also gives you a digital copy of the film to transfer to your portable device. It's also available as a stand alone DVD and on digital download
Basically, I can't find any reason to give you to not see this Blu-ray, it's not a bad little horror flick and even though you may not like the idea of remaking your beloved Freddy there is no reason at all not to like this film.
Get over it...
CLICK HERE to buy yourself a copy.
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