I’ve been hearing a lot of bitching lately from fans upset about “double dipping” and most of it has been centered around Anchor Bay’s new release of Re-Animator in a 2 disc special limited edition. I’m here to tell you right now, SHUT UP!
Just got done viewing the new disc and it freaking rocks. Seriously, it is a wonderful must have addition to any serious horror fans collection. I was not one of the ones lucky enough to pick up Elite’s Millennium edition a few years back and have been searching for one (reasonably priced) ever since. No need to scour the cons and internet any longer as this disc from Anchor Bay is everything that the Elite disc was and more.
The film looks and sounds fantastic. I don’t get much into the technical end of things I only know if it looks and sounds good and this one is great. A near perfect transfer.
I have to assume that any of you reading this site have already seen Re-Animator at one time or another and if you haven’t then you have more of reason than the rest of us to run and I do mean run and pick up this disc. The rest of us have reason a plenty to want this one in our collection as well. Let’s take a look at all the goodies that AB has packed onto the two discs.
This release is the first in what we can only hope is a long line of titles in their Anchor Bay Collection of releases. They have set a high bar with this first release.. Let’s first look at the packaging. The disc comes in a slip case adorned with some new artwork that is very cool but the coolest thing is that it also comes packaged with a kick ass “syringe” highlighter filled with the familiar bright green serum we’ve all come to associate with the film. It really is very cool and for a geek like me gives reason enough to pick up the release but that is really just eye candy the real goodies are on the disc itself. We are treated to two feature commentaries one with director Stuart Gordon and the other with producer Brian Yunza and actors Bruce Abbott, Jeffery Combs, Barbara Crampton (hot) an Robert Simpson. Great stuff. Disc Two features an all new 70 minute docu titled Re-Animator Resurectus that features a behind the scenes look at the making of the film and interviews with all the above named folks as well as writer Dennis Paoli, composer Richard Band and Tony Timpone editor of Fangoria Magazine. I found the documentary a bit long winded but it was still a pretty enjoyable viewing and a ton of info is spewed forth for the “super fans” of the film. For the casual viewer it may be a bit of information overload but it is still very well put together and most definitely worth a look.
I’m going to outline the complete disc specs below but lets just say AB has pretty much loaded this release with everything but the kitchen sink. Check this out:
Anchor Bay left no grave stone unturned in exhuming extras for the H.P. Lovecraft’s Re-Animator Special Edition DVD, value-added supplements that exemplify the caliber of the “Anchor Bay Collection” brand:
* Brand-new remastered transfer, approved by director Stuart Gordon * Widescreen Presentation (1.85:1), enhanced by 16x9 televisions * Remastered Dolby Digital and DTS 5.1 sound * Audio Commentary with Director Stuart Gordon * Audio Commentary with Producer Brian Yuzna and Actors Bruce Abbott, Jeffrey Combs, Barbara Crampton and Robert Sampson * All-New 70-minute featurette: “Re-Animator Resurrectus” featuring interviews with Director Stuart Gordon, Producer Brian Yuzna, Writer Dennis Paoli, Composer Richard Band and Fangoria Magazine editor Tony Timpone, Actors Jeffrey Combs, Barbara Crampton, Carolyn Purdy-Gordon and Robert Sampson * Music Discussion with Composer Richard Band * Deleted and Extended Scenes * Theatrical trailer * TV Spots * New Production Stills from Brian Yuzna’s private collection * New Behind-The-Scenes, Posters & Advertising, Storyboard and Fun-On-The-Set galleries * Stuart Gordon Bio * Screenplay (DVD-ROM) * “Herbert West, Reanimator” by H.P. Lovecraft (DVD-ROM)
Yep, they even have the complete screenplay and the original story from Lovecraft on there. Now that’s complete.
The disc comes out on Tuesday March 20th and is limited to only 50,000 copies and when they’re gone, that’s it my friend so I would waste no time in picking this beauty up. It’s only going to set you back $24.95.

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