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Site for "Hills Have Eyes" Goes Live
By James VanFleet
Feb 6, 2006, 13:34

I never was that big a fan of the first one, although it did have some deliciously gory moments, and Craven tried to inject the story with a bit of irony and cynicism.  Now comes the remake.  I liked Aja's style for High Tension, even if the film kinda sorta completely fell apart at the end.  Hopefully some of that visual skill will carry over into this film.

The site for The Hills Have Eyes is now available for all: click here.  Nothing too special about it.  It's another well-crafted Flash site.  Nothing too special.  Odd is the absence of media, photos, and downloads.  How soon is this coming out again?

Seriously, though, if you want to see a classic horror movie site, check out the one for Identity.  It's arguably creepier than most horror movies out there, especially when you play with it at night.

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